Website Design & Web Development specialists in Ely, Minnesota.
We help good people grow great businesses using relationship-based value-driven internet marketing.
Since the inception of the World Wide Web, Richard and his team of associates have worked side by side with golden widget start-ups and Fortune 500 companies alike.
Specializing in:
Social Media Consulting & Marketing,
Website Management & Development,
Online Lead Generation & Advertising,
and webmaster services for B2B and B2C clients.
We ground our creative solutions in sound project management practices that support your strategic objectives.
By sticking to our strengths and utilizing partnerships where appropriate, we will deliver a best-of-class web solution that your customers will appreciate time and time again.
Contact us today for a free consultation!
Richard is actively involved with Incredible Ely, Ten Below Coworking and the Ely Area Food Shelf.
Looking for a new web site or a redesign of an old one? Web Goddess can help with good advice, sharp design, engaging copy, popping graphics. All with reasonable pricing and timely delivery. We’ll walk you through the process every step of the way.
And, we won’t forget you when the project is done. Our reasonable hosting and maintenance packages include our help anytime – we’re only a phone call or email away.
Ten80 North is a marketing company specializing in web development, web hosting, branding strategy, and photo/video services. We help you plan and produce marketing that works. Our clients are often unsure of what marketing tools they should use and how to use them. Ten80 North gives you a plan, creates the marketing materials, and helps you use them to generate sales.